Nine poems

Read by Kevin Hicks

Eight of the poems I shall read are from a book of Japanese Death Poems which was given to me by Kathryn at Christmas a number of years ago and is a gift I still value greatly.

The last poem I shall read is an impromptu one by Kathryn. It was composed by her recently and I read it today in the spirit of the other poems.

Sound of a melody:
thus begins my debut
in the world beyond.
Tomoemon, undated

Frost on grass:
a fleeting form
that is, and is not!
Zaishiki, 1719

The road I take
to paradise is bright
with flowers.
Sokin, 1818

O hydrangea-
you change and change
back to your primal color.
Bairyu, 1863

Winter ice
melts into clean water-
clear is my heart.
Hyakka, 1779

I pass as all things do
dew on the grass.
Banzan, 1730

I see flowers
from the cottage where I lie.
Yaitsu, 1807

Now as a spirit
I shall roam
the summer fields.
Hokusai, 1849

I was busy with my thoughts
But the windows opened in my head
And I saw the light from the East.
Kathryn Oates, 2005

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